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Every day presents a chance – a new opportunity to move your life forward towards your goals and dreams. Every day is also a chance to move in the opposite direction. So, which direction is your life heading? The answer lies in whether or not you are using your time effectively.


Effectively and efficiently managing your time can ensure that you are productive amidst the busiest of lifestyles. Planning not only keeps you on track but allows you to make the most out of every day. However, we almost all seem to have busy lifestyles, but not everybody has great time-management skills.


5 Keys To Effective Time Management


Nobody is born a multi-tasker. Effective time management is a skill that requires practice. Here are a few tips that help me get the most out of my days:


Plan ahead – Wake up 30 minutes earlier and take the time to plan out your day.

Get your 7 – 8 hours sleep every night – Feeling refreshed after a good night’s sleep will help you be more productive and less drained.

Stop procrastinating and just get it done – The more time you spend procrastinating about something, the harder it seems, and you end up talking yourself out of it. Just bite the bullet and get it done!

Take regular breaks – Breaks will refresh your mind during the day and help you focus better.

Exercise and eat healthy – Similar to getting enough sleep, exercising and eating healthily boosts energy levels, clears your mind, and allows you to focus more easily.


Work Smart Not Hard

Time management isn’t about squeezing as many tasks into your day as possible. It’s about simplifying how you work, doing things faster, and relieving stress.



At the end of the day, it’s about always moving forward. You can’t control everything in your life – so don’t bother! Life will throw obstacles in your path, and you can’t change that. You can choose to move forward. These can be small steps towards your goals or crossing a major item off your to-do list.


Effectively managing your time ensures that each day you are moving forward and getting closer to achieving what is important to you!   


Is technology holding you back from effective time management? Then get in touch with the team at Techwell. They take care of your technology so you can focus on what matters most.  


Emily Maguire

Call 1300 350 292